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Statewide and Nationwide

Assistive Technology

Also referred to as adaptive technology it includes programs, devices, and resources that help people with disabilities increase their mobility and/or ability to communicate and live more comfortably.

AT3 Center

National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center

Mobility Products

Scooters 'N Chairs
3340 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA, 30326
Main: (646) 893-7709 Toll Free: (800) 674-8395

Online Shopping, Free Catalog and Education

Silvert's Adaptive Clothing & Footwear
Main: (800) 387-7088

ICanConnect: Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
397 Azalea Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23227
Main: (804) 325-1282 Toll Free: (800) 552-7917

Technology Assistive Program (TAP), Deaf and Hearing Loss

Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
1602 Rolling Hills Drive, Suite 203, Henrico, VA, 23229
Main: (804) 662-9502 Toll Free: (800) 552-7917 Fax: (804) 662-9718

Computer Technology Center for Blind

919 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107
Main: (215) 627-0600

Blind and Low Vision Aids

Devices and services that assist people with vision loss. Includes the sale, rental or loan of assistive technology, audio books, Braille materials and other adapted media.

Technical Textbooks for Blind and Visually Impaired

Access Technology Institute
11900 North La Canada Drive, Suite 69923, Oro Valley, AZ, 85737
Main: (520) 300-7859 Fax: (800) 986-6198

Vision Assistance Technology

Aira Tech Corporation
3451 Via Montebello, Suite 192, PMB 214, Carlsbad, CA, 92009
Main: (800) 835-1934 Toll Free: (800) 835-1934

Visually Impaired Resources

Carroll Center for the Blind
770 Centre Street, Newton, MA, 02458
Main: (617) 969-6200 Toll Free: (800) 852-3131 Fax: (617) 969-6204

Talking Magazine | Blind & Physically Disabled

Choice Magazine Listening
85 Channel Drive, Port Washington, NY, 11050
Main: (516) 882-8280 Toll Free: (888) 724-6423

Special Billing for Visually Impaired

Dominion Energy
One James River Plaza, P O Box 26666, Richmond, VA, 23261
Main: (866) 366-4357 Toll Free: (800) 688-4673

Online Training for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Hadley School For The Blind
700 Elm Street, Winnetka, IL, 60093
Main: (847) 446-8111 Toll Free: (800) 323-4238 Fax: (847) 446-9820

Technology for Blind and Vision-Impaired

Human Ware
175 Mason Circle, Concord, CA, 94520
Main: (800) 722-3393 Fax: (925) 681-4630

Assistive Technology, Blind and Low Vision

8511 Overhill Drive, Manassas Park, VA, 20111
Main: 800 722-3393 Toll Free: (800) 722-3393

Low Vision Products

Journey Health and Lifestyle
Main: (888) 404-1724 Toll Free: (800) 958-8324

Braille Transcription Services

Lighthouse Guild
111 East 59th Street, New York, NY, 10022
Main: (212) 821-9200 Toll Free: (800) 829-0500

Low Vision Aids

Low Vision Center
4905 Del Ray Avenue, Suite 504, Bethesda, MD, 20814
Main: (301) 951-4444

Adaptive Equipment for Blind and Low Vision

42 Executive Boulevard, Farmingdale, NY, 11735
Main: (631) 752-0521

Braille Transcription Service

Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund
3500 North Elm Road, Jackson, MI, 49201
Main: (517) 780-5096 Fax: (517) 780-5448

Adaptive Technology Center for Blind & Vision Impaired

National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place, Baltimore, MD, 21230
Main: (410) 659-9314 Fax: (410) 685-5653

NFB Newsline for Low Vision or Blind

National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
200 East Wells Street, at Jernigan Place, Baltimore, MD, 21230
Main: (410) 659-9314 Toll Free: (866) 504-7300 Fax: (410) 685-5653

Assistive Technology Information and Education, Blind and Low Vision

National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
Michael Kasey, President, 1305 Prince Edward St, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401
Main: (540) 760-3885 Fax: (703) 534-6429

Low Vision Materials

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS)
1291 Taylor Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Main: (202) 707-5100 Fax: (202) 707-0712

U.S. Currency Reader Program

U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
14th and C Streets, SW, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, DC, 20228
Main: (202) 874-3188 Toll Free: (877) 874-4114

Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) | Blind and Low Vision

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
397 Azalea Ave., Richmond, VA, 23227
Main: (804) 371-3140 Toll Free: (800) 622-2155 Fax: (804) 371-3351

Library and Resource Center for Visually Impaired, DBVI

Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
395 Azalea Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23227
Main: (804) 371-3661 Toll Free: (800) 552-7015

Vision Adjustment Training

Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired (VRCBVI)
401 Azalea Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23227
Main: (804) 371-3151 Toll Free: (800) 622-2155 Fax: (804) 371-3092

Braille Transcription Services

919 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19107
Main: (215) 627-0600

Communication Aids

Devices and services that assist people with hearing loss. Includes the sale, rental or loan of assistive technology and adapted media.

Accessible Hearing Care for Low Income

901 Boren Avenue, Suite 810, Seattle, WA, 98104
Main: (206) 838-7194 Toll Free: (877) 283-4368

Products for Hearing Loss

Harris Communications
(online store), 15155 Technology Dr., Eden Prairie , MN, 55344
Toll Free: (800) 825-6758