Who We Are
The Innovations Program at RoseWood Village at Hollymead provides alternatives to the care and quality of life offered to individuals with Alzheimer's, dementia, and other related concerns that affect memory.
The Innovations Program was created to provide a carefully planned, thoughtfully considered, and lovingly administered approach that provides individual and specialized care. Staff receives extensive specialized and continuous training in the care of individuals with memory-related concerns. The program provides for the complete care of residents in the Innovations Program, while promoting participation in both mental and physical exercises.
Additionally, the village concept, which is the hallmark of RoseWood Village, is also extended throughout the secure, special care Innovations area. The Innovations area was designed to re-create settings that residents have enjoyed throughout their lives. A resident kitchen, office spaces, libraries, and sunrooms are provided as quiet environments that allow residents to reconnect with the activities of their pasts.
Short-term respite care is also available. This care is designed to be temporary so that caregivers can have some "time off" from caring for their loved ones.