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Arlington Aging and Disability Services

2100 Washington Boulevard, 4th Floor
Arlington, VA 22204

(703) 228-1725

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Contact Information

(703) 228-1725
(703) 228-1788

Who We Are

The Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) provides free, in-depth, one-on-one insurance counseling to Medicare Beneficiaries, their families, friends and caregivers. Trained and certified VICAP counselors provide free and confidential assistance. VICAP serves Arlington County Residents.

Services include:

  • Individual counseling on Medicare Parts A, B, and C (health plans), Medicare Part D (prescription plans), and Medigap;

  • Medicare classes are offered throughout the year;

  • Help to resolve Medicare claims or billing issues;

  • Assistance with filing for Medicare-related benefits;

  • Assistance with understanding Medicaid and long-term care insurance;

  • Assistance with understanding eligibility and applications for low-income assistance programs.

Appointments are encouraged for in-person Medicare counseling meetings. Please fill out this Personal Information Form and bring it with you to the appointment or return it by mail or fax.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Language Line available
Call if translation is needed
Service Area(s)
Arlington County

Cost & Payment Methods

Fee Structure
No Fee

Other Eligibility Criteria
Arlington residents. Ages 60 and over or Medicare beneficiaries of any age.

Available 24/7

Intake Process
Phone; by appointment.
Documents Required
Call for details
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact Email

Report Problems
Call the Agency
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